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August-September 2020

Micro870 Programmable Logic Controller Systems

The Micro870® Programmable Logic Controllers are designed for large standalone machine control applications that require flexible communications and greater I/O capabilities. These controllers support up to 304 I/O points with high performance I/O, interrupts, and Pulse Train Output (PTO) motion plus embedded Ethernet port and Bulletin 2085 expansion I/O modules

The Micro870 PLC uses a design concept that provides designers up to three plug-ins and eight expansion I/O modules. This capability allows them to customize or expand the controller to meet each machine type’s unique requirements. 

The Connected Components Workbench software is free and provides a single design environment for programming the Micro870 PLC. The software can also be used to configure Allen-Bradley PanelView 800 graphic terminals, PowerFlex AC drives, Kinetix component servo drives, electronic overload relays, light curtains and configurable safety relays. 

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On-Machine Block Distributed I/O
ArmorBlock I/O Modules, Point I/O


Bulletin 1732D and 1732E ArmorBlock® I/O modules provide low-cost, hardened, I/O suitable for on-machine use. You can mount these modules on a machine close to the sensors and actuators to provide shorter cable runs for automotive, material handling, and high-speed packaging applications. These modules are available for DeviceNet® and EtherNet/IP™ networks and are suitable for use in welding applications and end-of-arm robot applications. 

ArmorBlock® Guard I/O™ modules provide all the advantages of traditional distributed I/O for safety systems. These modules are available in an IP67-rated packaged for EtherNet/IP™ and are ready to mount directly on your machine 

Bulletin 1734 POINT I/O™ is ideal for applications requiring flexibility and low cost of ownership. Granularity of one to eight points lets you buy only the I/O you need. The compact design makes installation easier in limited panel space. The family includes POINT Guard I/O™ safety-rated I/O modules that can be used side-by-side in a standard POINT I/O system. Network connectivity includes ControlNet™, DeviceNet™, EtherNet/IP™, and other open networks. Some modules feature DeviceLogix™ Smart Component Technology, integrating low-cost logic solving capability in your I/O for faster sense-to-actuation times.


CompactLogix 5380 Controllers

Scalable safety up to SIL 3/PLe and increased safety integration for drives and motion

CompactLogix™ and Compact GuardLogix® 5380 controllers provide higher performance, increased capacity, improved productivity and enhanced security to help meet the growing demands of smart machines and equipment for manufacturing. All standard and safety controllers use a modern programming environment, Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application, to allow users to work collaboratively to design and maintain their systems. This common environment optimizes efficiency, reduces time to commission and manages integrated motion over EtherNet/IP™ for high-speed motion applications and up to SIL 3/PLe safety solutions. These controllers are ideal for applications requiring high-performance communications, I/O and motion control for up to 32 axes


Automated Dairy

Increase productivity, quality, and consistency while reducing operational loss and costs

Increase Throughput, Reduce Energy: Use Real-time Control and Dairy Process Optimization Reduces Costs Many dairy manufacturers are enhancing competitiveness by moving toward higher value specialty products such as low-fat, no-fat, and protein enhanced. They also want to achieve greater efficiency, increase throughput, and reduce costs. Dairy plant operations are required to perform within narrower, more consistent product specifications. These specifications require real-time plant floor data to enable faster reactions and greater flexibility. This data helps you to maintain productivity and margin, achieve higher safety, and offer greater product quality.

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